Signs That You May Have a Serious Disease With No Symptoms

Signs That You May Have a Serious Disease With No Symptoms

As much as we hate to be afflicted by them, fever and pain alert us that something is wrong. However, some conditions do not come with warning signs. Learning to read the discreet signs accompanying these hidden health issues could save your life.

Let’s look at what these silent killers could be and what we can do about them.

Heart Disease

A hidden heart problem with no symptoms can be deadly. A silent heart attack, for example, might present as mild indigestion or acid reflux. A cholesterol plaque blocking your arteries and reducing blood flow could look like decreased exercise tolerance. A failing heart will go undetected until symptoms like shortness of breath and swollen legs present themselves.

You can decrease your risk of heart problems by going for annual checkups, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

High Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure can decrease blood flow to organs and even cause a heart attack. This is another silent condition that doesn’t have any outward indicators but may be causing internal damage to organs. Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain a normal blood pressure level. Limiting your salt intake is also essential to prevent high blood pressure.

High Cholesterol

The accumulation of cholesterol in your blood vessels does not produce symptoms. It’s only when cholesterol levels get very high that you will notice some chest pain. High cholesterol can cause heart attacks or even sudden death.

Exercise and a healthy diet will go a long way in alleviating high cholesterol levels. There are also medications that can be prescribed to deal with the issue.

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