Reduce Your Sugar Intake With This Supplement

Reduce Your Sugar Intake With This Supplement

Excessive sugar consumption can lead to acne, gaining weight, and even heart disease. Unfortunately, reducing your sugar intake or giving it up altogether is more challenging than it seems. While there are methods you can try to reduce your sugar consumption, a recent study has pointed out that using prebiotic GOS supplements can help.

What Are GOS Supplements?

Galacto-oligosaccharides, or GOS, are made from plant sugar, and they’re typically used as a prebiotic. This supplement naturally occurs in certain vegetables, dairy products, and beans. GOS supplements work by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. They are commonly used for various stomach disorders, constipation, infections, and even colon cancer. GOS supplements can even help with anxiety.

GOS supplements can also be added to diets to decrease your sugar intake. This has been proven in a study in which 50 young women participated. Half of them were given GOS supplements every day for a month, while the other half were not. The study proved that the women who took GOS supplements every day got less of their energy from sugar (4.1%) and carbohydrates (4.3%). Although only women participated in this study, GOS Supplements should work similarly for men.

Are There Any Side Effects From Using GOS Supplements?

GOS supplements are generally safe to use, and they come with few side effects. Some possible side effects include flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and cramps. That being said, if you take up to 20 grams per day, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Get Your Healthy Dose of GOS

Instead of taking extreme measures to stop eating sugar, try taking GOS supplements and see what happens. These supplements can help improve your gut’s health, raise your energy levels, and significantly reduce your sugar consumption.

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