After 50, Ditch These Foods for Heart Health

After 50, Ditch These Foods for Heart Health

As people get older, they start to put on some weight. The weight gain mainly occurs in those in their 50s and 60s, resulting in an increased risk of conditions like diabetes and heart disease. The primary causes of inpatient hospital visits in those over 65 are heart failure.

An essential part of your well-being is looking after your heart, especially as you age. One of the contributing factors to poor heart health is an unhealthy diet. What you eat goes a long way in determining how strong your ticker is as you enter your later years. These are some foods that doctors recommend ditching to protect your heart.

Fried and Fatty Foods

As much as we love it, fried chicken might not be the way to go when it comes to heart health. Foods with high-fat content clog the arteries, contributing to heart disease. Intake of red meat and fatty foods should be restricted and consumed on rare occasions.

Chips and Soda

Digging into that bag of chips is such a treat. However, bagged foods have a lot of salt and encourage overeating. Because of all the sugar, soda is also on the list of things to avoid.

Diet Drinks

Switching out your regular soda for a diet alternative might seem like the smart thing to do. Unfortunately, beverages that contain artificial sweeteners carry a heightened risk of heart disease. These drinks increase appetite and may lead to weight gain.


Doughnuts are the poster child for unhealthy food choices. They are not only deep-fried but have lots of sugar and carbohydrates. The body has a hard time processing them as we get older.

Although some meals are to be avoided, eating healthy doesn’t mean giving up the good stuff. There are nutritional alternatives that taste good and are better for your heart.

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